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What Color Braces Are Best For You?

If you're getting colored braces, we understand that choosing colors is the most challenging part of the procedure. Color braces are...

How long do bite blocks stay on for?

If you’re like many patients with braces, you may find yourself asking, How long do bite blocks braces stay on? These customized trays...

What Are The Types Of Overbite?

Overbite is a type of malocclusion disorder known as buck teeth that causes misalignment of teeth or jaw. The cause of an overbite is...

What Exactly Is A Dental Retainer?

Retainers are dental appliances that are made from metal or plastic. They are custom-made to fit each person. Orthodontist open on Sunday...

Why Do We Need A Palate Expander?

A palate expander is a dental tool used to expand the upper jaw and create space in the mouth of a child so those upper and bottom teeth...

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