While getting braces may not be anyone’s idea of fun, there are some perks to wearing them. The biggest perk is that you get to choose any color you want. While the most common colors are clear or light pink, there are a lot of fun colors available, and you can even mix and match the colors on your braces to make them stand out even more. With so many different colors available, how do you decide which ones will work best?
Braces Colors That Help Teeth Appear Whiter
Regardless of whether you like them or not, braces aren’t going anywhere. braces colors that make your teeth look whiter straightening has become an increasingly popular procedure in recent years, with around 5 million people getting braces each year—most between their teenage years and early twenties. Since there’s a good chance you know at least one person with a few months left on their orthodontic treatment plan, we thought it would be helpful to let you know some of the best colors for braces!
The first thing to keep in mind is that picking out a good color scheme can help your teeth appear whiter. White is simply too harsh of a background for any other hue—unless you want your mouth to look like it has strep throat. In order to make your smile pop, choose a color (or multiple) that complements rather than clashes with your natural tooth shade. That said, not all metals provide good contrast; as such, we broke down our suggestions into two categories: silver and nickel. To get started...
Teeth Whitening Before And After
The best braces colors to get teeth look whiter. Even if your teeth look healthy and clean, an off-color can bring down the visual appeal of your smile. For some people, a shade that’s too light or too dark can even hurt your confidence. Thankfully, with today’s technology in orthodontics, you have a few good options to consider when it comes to correcting discoloration on or around your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about whitening before and after orthodontic treatment.
The best colors for braces is going to be clear or tooth colored. So not everyone has experience with their friends who had really bright pink brackets (the worst). However, there are other patients whose brackets were black or white and those colors work better at hiding stains but they don't necessarily hide color as well. Most dentists these days recommend clear though since they're virtually unnoticeable! Since every person's case is different and there is no right answer on how long one should wear their Invisalign retainers let alone wear them out side, I would definitely consult your dentist!
Professional Teeth Whitening or Home Whitening Kit
Professional teeth whitening is effective, but it requires trips to your dentist’s office. This can make it expensive and time-consuming. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on professional teeth whitening to get your smile whiter than white; at-home kits often do just as good of a job—without all of those appointments. Be sure to talk with your dentist before buying an at-home kit, though; they can give you advice on what brand they recommend, and they can also help determine if you have any underlying problems (such as gum disease) that could make teeth whitening more difficult or painful.
Changing The Color Of Your Braces
Many adults who have had to wear braces in their youth worry about whether or not colored retainers can be worn to cover their old hardware. The good news is that most orthodontists will allow you to tint your retainers and aligners, but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. You want to use color only on parts of your mouth that aren’t covered by braces—on spaces between teeth, for example. Your dentist may give you a retainer or aligner with built-in coloring; if not, ask them which tints they recommend.
Black Vs. White Braces - Which Makes Teeth Whiter?
Teeth whitening is an important consideration when deciding what color to get, especially if you're having issues with tooth discoloration. But which will make your teeth look whiter: black or white? As it turns out, white and clear aligners work best. Black wires tend to not show up as well on darker gums and darker skin tones, making your smile look even less uniform. They also tend to stand out more - making people focus on them rather than your smile. White aligners go with everything (literally) and don't distract from your smile. That's why most orthodontists recommend using clear or white-colored wires in their patients who have stained teeth and dark skin tone issues - it's just a better solution overall.
How To Choose The Best Colors For Metal Vs. Clear Aligners
Choosing your best colors for braces can be difficult, but it’s important that you choose colors that compliment your natural coloring. A good rule of thumb is to match your color scheme to your hair color and wear complimentary accessories so they don’t compete with one another. If you don’t like any of these best colors or clear aligners options, it may be worth looking into a veneer! Veneers will reshape and alter a tooth's structure and help fix any flaws in your smile.